
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Buddhism in Thailand

According to the census taken in 1960 the population of Thailand numbers 25,519,965. Of this number 94% are Buddhists (the rest are mostly Muslims and Christians). This fact itself demonstrates more than anything else how influential Buddhism is in Thailand. In their long history of existence the Thais seem to have been predominantly Buddhists, at least ever since they came into contact with the tenets of Buddhism. All the Thai kings in the recorded history of present-day Thailand have been adherents of Buddhism. The country's constitution specifies that the King of Thailand must be a Buddhist and the Upholder of Buddhism.

It is so sad that there is so many Buddhists and so little Christians. There are less then 1% Christians in Thailand. You may be wondering what Buddhism is. Well, I’ll try my best to explain. If you are a Buddhist you want to get to the point where you long for nothing, this is impossible, humans always long for something. For us Christians we long to be closer with God. (And other stuff) For the Buddhist they try not to long for anything, but by doing this they long for not longing anything. There are much more stuff that I could tell you about Buddhism but I need to go now. I will try to tell you more about Thailand and the Buddhist soon



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