
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Buddhism in Thailand

According to the census taken in 1960 the population of Thailand numbers 25,519,965. Of this number 94% are Buddhists (the rest are mostly Muslims and Christians). This fact itself demonstrates more than anything else how influential Buddhism is in Thailand. In their long history of existence the Thais seem to have been predominantly Buddhists, at least ever since they came into contact with the tenets of Buddhism. All the Thai kings in the recorded history of present-day Thailand have been adherents of Buddhism. The country's constitution specifies that the King of Thailand must be a Buddhist and the Upholder of Buddhism.

It is so sad that there is so many Buddhists and so little Christians. There are less then 1% Christians in Thailand. You may be wondering what Buddhism is. Well, I’ll try my best to explain. If you are a Buddhist you want to get to the point where you long for nothing, this is impossible, humans always long for something. For us Christians we long to be closer with God. (And other stuff) For the Buddhist they try not to long for anything, but by doing this they long for not longing anything. There are much more stuff that I could tell you about Buddhism but I need to go now. I will try to tell you more about Thailand and the Buddhist soon



Jamie Grce - You Lead

This song is pretty cool. I love the way she put the lyrics on.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


This verse is really pretty. I hope you like it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving is almost here! I love thanksgiving with all your friends around and delicious food. I would have posted this a little sooner. But I was just got off a 3 day fast today. I didn't want to look at pics of food while I was fasting. Anyway, I'm going to show that pics now.
The fist pics is going to be pie. I know i9t should be one for the last. But it's the first on my list.
Mashed Potatoes!

And the last but definitely not the least.
The Turkey!
More random pics that I got.
Ok, after you look at the pics you may think that this is what thanksgiving is all about. But there is so much more then food. I believe that most of you who read this can say they never unwillingly went hungry for more then a day. There are so many out there that wont have a turkey or even a meal for thanks giving. So while you are eating your thanks giving meal with your friends and family. Remember to thank God for all you have and be truly thankful.

Jostie Flicks - Man Vs Prairies

This one is really funny. I don't think he would live very long if he did what he does in this movie.
Hope you like it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Random Pics



Love the Lord with all your heart.


Nicole Nordeman - What If

I love these words. While you listen to this song think about the words and see what God wants you to do today. Don't shut God out. He loves you very much.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


    Hey everybody. We sold our house a few days ago. It didn't sell at the auction but a couple of days latter somebody bought it. It was kind of sad letting it go. I lived here all my life and the thought of leaving my home and friends to go live on the other side of the world makes me a little sad. But remembering that I'm going to Thailand and that's were God wants me to be. It took the sadness right out of me. I will miss this place. But like it says in the bible
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:20
     I truly believe that God is calling my family and I to Thailand. There is less then 1 % Christians in Thailand, and around 95 % Buddhism . So if you could please pray for my family and I as we live there for 2 or more years, it would be greatly appreciated.


Britt Nicole - Still that Girl


Monday, November 5, 2012

FC (Fun Crafts)

I got this info at

12 FROZEN strawberries
1/2 cup Skim milk
1/4 cup Vanilla lo-fat yogurt
1 ts Sugar
In a blender at high speed, blend all ingredients until smooth. Serve in a tall glass.