
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


   I know it has been a long time sins I last posted, sorry. We have been getting rid of a lot of stuff and I haven't much time to get on the computer. But I decided that I should really get on today and up date all of you girls and guys.
   Well, Some people came a few days ago and took our pool table in the basement. last night some people came and took Annie's (My older sister who is 20) bed. They also took Sarah (my sister who is 15) and my dresser where we put our clothes in. Our room is so empty! It looks way bigger then before. I never really noticed how many things a person can get over years. You keep telling yourself that you might need so many little things, but you never use it and soon forget about it. My sister Annie told my mom that even if we wouldn't be moving that we still should have cleaned out our whole house as we are doing now. Of course we wouldn't be selling everything then, so we wouldn't be so busy. I need to go now. Bye everybody.
( Tell me how your week is going.)



  1. Wow, I'm sure you ARE busy! I can't imagine how it is or really sympathize cause I've never moved but I'm sure it's a lot of work.

    1. Thanks Bri. Prayers help a lot and I know there are so many out there praying for us. See ya soon.
