
Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekly Devotions

    Relationships and Responsibilities
         Do that! Go there! Be this!
      When expectations overwhelm,
 stay close to the only one who matters.

   Thankfulness opens the door to My Presence. Though I am always with you, I have gone to great measures to preserve your freedom of choice. I have placed a door between you and Me, and I have empowered you to open or close that door. There are many ways to open it, but a grateful attitude is one of the most effective.
   Thankfulness is built on a  substructure of trust. When thankful words stick in your throat, you need to check up on your foundation of trust. When thankfulness flowsfreelyfrom your heart and lips, let your gratitude draw you closer to Me. I want you to learn the art of giving thanks in all circomstances. See how many times you can thank Me daily; this will awaken your awareness to a multitude of blessings. It will also cushion the impact of trials when they come against you. Practice My Presence by practicing the discipline of thankfulness.

Spalm 100:4;  1 Thessalonians 5:18

Jesus Calling

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