
Saturday, May 5, 2012

New York

   I’m in New York right now. Its six more days until my family and I come back to PA. I can’t tell you all that we have done. For it would take much too long. I will tell you about some though. Every morning we drive 45 – 1 ½ hours to get to the place where we eat and take classes. (My mom, dad, Chad, Annie, Tyler, and Sarah all take the classes) Zach, Abby, and I all stay were we eat, which is in a different building then the others. I’m enjoying my time here in Ney York but I do miss my home in the woods. I may or may not be able to send another post about my time in New York. I have very little time to get on the computer because I’m at the center were we eat all day except for Wednesdays, which is when we are able to go back to the place where we stay, after lunch. We are also not there Saturdays and Sundays. I need to go now. Bye.


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