
Sunday, June 16, 2013

New teaching job......

Hi everybody, This will be my last post for a long time.
Sarah (my sister) and I have been teaching. Sarah is more like the teacher and I'm the assistant. But, it's something.(:
We are teaching ages 3-6 English. We teach in the mornings of Tuesday and Thursdays, for an hour. We would do it more days, but we have Thai classes the rest of the days. (Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday) The kids are so adorable. I am so glad God put this new challenge in my life.(: It's getting late so I better stop talking and show you some pics.

Sarah teaching the song, I've got the joy....
Sarah and I split off half way in our lesson to teach them with there book. The rest of the time we teach them songs and do crafts.
Sarah teaches the youngests kids kindergarten.
Me teaching
 This is my class. I teach first, second, and third grade. It doesn't take long to finish there book. So, we aren't teaching without one another very long.
  One of my slower, but sweet, students. She is in second grade. All but 3 of my students are in second grade. 2 of them are in first. The other is in third.
 Adorable little girl. Her name is Patty.
Eating their snack.
Please pray that all goes well. At the time we are unable to tell the kids about Jesus. We are hoping that when they get to know us better, we will be able to teach about Christ. Please also pray that we will have a good memory and remember the kids names.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Starting Monday

Hey every body. Starting Monday (June 15) I will be unable to post anything on my blog for 3 months. (September 16) I am taking a 3 month fast on computers and TV. So, I will be unable to get on the internet (except for my emails) to do my blog. I will try to post as much as I can until Monday.

Tenth Avenue North - Love Is Here

I love this song. It has such a cool music video.

Just having fun.

We went to a smoothie shop.

I think I will just sit on the wall instead of the bike.(:
Sarah decided to do the more serious poses.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Refugee Camp

     Hi, everybody. Sorry it took so long for me to post about the refugee camp. I have been so busy lately. But, I have finally got the time to do it.
     We had a lot of fun at the refugee camp. Though it was a long drive, I am so glad I went a long. We took the kids ice cream. They were so happy. I wonder if some of them never had ice cream before this. It was for Annie, Medan, and Victoria's students, and a few others that happened a long. We have a tone of pics from the refugee camp because they all wanted to get there picture taken with you, or, take a picture of someone. We had a great time.
     Here are a few pics of it.

(going from left to right)
Victoria, Annie, and Megan.

Abigail's new friends.
Farewell pic.

 Sadness comes over the whole group as we get in the back of the truck.
Here are some more pics of the refugee camp that I thought you might like.
Beautiful mountain.

The sign for the church.
  School time.

Hope you liked the pics.(:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Cooking Show

This is such a cute video of our neighbor girl and Abby. They are doing a cooking show and Abby is the interpreter. Adorable!