
Friday, March 15, 2013

FC (Fun Crafts)

  • Toilet paper/paper towel rolls
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Paint (optional)
  1. Take your TP/PT rolls and slightly flatten them (for cutting ease).
  2. Cut “petals” in 1-1.5″ length.
  3. Lay on a flat surface to determine what pattern you want to make. If you want to paint your “petals,” do so now and let dry.
  4. Run hot glue on the side of a “petal” and stick to another “petal.” Keep gluing until you achieve the desired sized flower.
My sisters and I did something like this. But is was a tree instead of a flower. I will show you it sometime. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and is a neet crafty thing to do.

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